Examples of Collaborative Design Projects
Image above is a screenshot from a stop-motion animation movie “My Country” created by Aiah, Roya and Marwah, in collaboration with PhD student and researcher Santanu Dutta. The film shows a story of displacement due to war and violence, revealing conditions of forced migration.
A still image of one of the sketch animations by Santanu Dutta (PhD student, Learning Sciences) who worked with youth contributors Yasra and Asra.
Image above is a screenshot from a computer simulation “River Crossing” created by Asra and Yasra, in collaboration with PhD students and researchers Megha Sanyal and Basak Helvaci Ozacar.
Video link above is a mini-documentary, Neymar & Messi. It shares the story of a beautiful friendship and soccer, as told by the youth themselves. Documentary created by the research team, in collaboration with newcomer youth Esrom and Nabil.
Snapshots of focus group discussions, storytelling sessions and co-design workshops with the youth in the first year of the project (2022—’23).