1. Lognon, R. (2024). Re-imagining homes in new lands: Gardening and anti-racist storytelling with newcomer youth of colour (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada).


  1. Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., Sanyal, M., Khandelwal, K. & Dutta, S. (2024). Co-Designing Anti-Racist Youth-Centered Programming. Annual Report, Year 2 (2023—’24). Calgary: University of Calgary.

  2. Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., & graduate researchers of YARI-Collective. (2023). Landings: Re-storying anti-racism through voices of newcomer youth of color 2022-23. Annual Report, Year 1 (2022—’23). Calgary: University of Calgary.



  1. Sengupta, P. & Banerjee, P. (2024, August 1-3). Migrant and refugee dis/orientations for maker education. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 141-152). Calgary, Canada.   

  2. Banerjee, P., & Sengupta, P. (2023, May 29). The morality and labour of doing critical feminist community-engaged research. 56th Annual Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Toronto.

  3. Sengupta, P., Cutler, M., Dutta, S., Ozacar, B. H., Sanyal, M., & Thraya, S. (2023, March 16-18). Co-Designing Anti-Racism Public Installations with Newcomer Youth [Panel Presentation]. 25th Metropolis Canada Conference, Ottawa, Canada. 


  1. Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P. (2024, August 9 - 13). Centering Deep Care: Immigrant Siblings of Color and Countering  Hegemonic Frames of Doing Gender in Predominantly-White-Institutions [Panel Presentation]. 2024 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada.

  2. Sanyal, M., Ozacar, B. H., Thraya, S., Sengupta, P., & Banerjee, P. (2024, August 1-3). Dis/Orienting computing education through centering casework of newcomer young women siblings of color. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 66-68). Calgary, Canada.  

  3. Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P., & Sengupta, P. (2024, August 1-3). Centering deep care among newcomer siblings of color through co-designing computational counter-models of migration and resettlement. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 143-144). Calgary, Canada.   

  4. Sanyal, M., Sengupta P., Banerjee, P., Dutta S., Helvaci-Ozacar B. (2024, June 9-13). River crossings of our childhood: Nezuko and Yasmine dis/orient computing education. In Lindgren, R., Asino, T. I., Kyza, E. A., Looi, C. K., Keifert, D. T., & Suárez, E. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 778 - 785). Buffalo, NY: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

  5. Sanyal, M., Ozacar, H. B., Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., & Sengupta, P. (2024, April 11-14). River crossings of our childhood: Nezuko and Yasmine dis/orient computing education [Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

  6. Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., Dutta., S. (2024, January 25-28). Centering Deep Care among newcomer siblings of color: Countering western hegemonic frames of masculinity and doing gender in marginal educational spaces [Roundtable Presentation]. Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Winter Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA.


  1. Dutta, S. (2025, August 8—10). Centering Care and Dignity in Refugeehood through Animated Filmmaking: Newcomer Youths’ Multimodal Representations of War and Forced Migration. [Oral Presentation]. The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) 2025 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 

  2. Dutta, S., Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P., & Sengupta, P.  (2025, April 23-27). Counter-storytelling memories of pain: Refugee youth’s intergenerational inquiry into Partition of India. [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

    Best Student Paper in SIG—Learning Sciences (LS) and Advanced Technology for Learning (ATL)

  3. Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P. (2024, August 9-13). Amplifying voices of immigrant youth of color: Counter-storytelling through cinematic representations as Anti-Racist methodology. [Roundtable Presentation]. 119th American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

  4. Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., Sanyal, M., & Khandelwal., C. (2024, August 9-11). Rethinking Refugee Education: Animating War and Violence as Storywork by Newcomer Youth of Color. [Oral Presentation]. The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) 2024 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

    Featured Abstract of 2024 SSSP Annual Meeting 

  5. Dutta, S., Sengupta, P., & Banerjee, P. (2024, August 1-3). “Making” animated films as counter storytelling by young muslim refugee women. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 148-149). Calgary, Canada.  

  6. Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P. (2024, June 9-13). Newcomer youths’ ethical stances in representing war and forced migration. In Lindgren, R., Asino, T. I., Kyza, E. A., Looi, C. K., Keifert, D. T., & Suárez, E. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 841-848). Buffalo, New York. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

    Nominated for ICLS Outstanding Student Paper (Naomi Miyake award)

  7. Dutta, S., Sengupta, P. & Banerjee, P. (2024, April 11-14). Refugee youth modeling the affects of war and displacement: Deepening ethical stances using stop-motion animation [Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 

  8. Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P. (2024, January 25-28). Animations/cinematic representations as methodology: New frontier for critical, feminist, anti-racist storytelling [Roundtable Presentation]. Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Winter Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA.


  1. Lognon, R., Banerjee, P., Khandelwal, C., Sanyal, M., Dutta, S., & Sengupta, P. (2025, August 8-12). Reimagining Climate Migration: Discursive and Embodied Reorientations to Land Through Gardening with Newcomer Youth of Colour [Oral Presentation]. 120th American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 

  2. Lognon, R., Dutta, S., Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P. & Sengupta, P. (2024, August 9-11). Centering Voices and Stories of Immigrant and Refugee Youth through Co-designing and Documenting a Community Garden. [Oral Presentation]. The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) 2024 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

  3. Khandelwal, C., Sanyal, M., Rahmani, F., Dutta, S., Banerjee, P., & Sengupta, P. (2024, August 1-3). Subversive representations of colonization in newcomer youths’ animations of climate change. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 145-147). Calgary, Canada.  

  4. Lognon, R., Dutta, S., Sanyal, M., Banerjee, P. & Sengupta, P. (2024, June 17-21). Centering Voices and Stories of Immigrant and Refugee Youth through Co-designing and Documenting a Community Garden. [Oral Presentation]. 2024 Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Conference, Montreal, Canada.


  1. Borzoo, S., Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., Sanyal, M. & Dutta, S. (2024, August 9-13). Hyper (in) visibility: Exploration of Experiences of Racialization among Black Newcomer Youth in Schools and Workplace. [Roundtable Presentation]. 119th American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

  2. Borzoo, S., Sengupta, P., Banerjee, P., Sanyal, M., & Dutta, S. (2024, August 1-3). STEM futures denied: The racialized politics of exclusion of newcomer youth of color in schools and workplaces. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 53-55). Calgary, Canada.  

  3. Banerjee, P., Villalobos Luján, T., & Sengupta, P. (2024, August 1-3). Love and protest: Reimagining making through intersectionality. In Sengupta, P., Clark, D., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of 8th International Conference of STEM in Education (STEM 2024) (pp. 150-152). Calgary, Canada.  


  1. Banerjee P., Sengupta P., Bahliby N., Sanyal M., Arif S., Zanuni W. (October, 2024). Panel Discussion on Anti-racism and Newcomer Youth's experiences. Justice, Equity and Transformation. University of Calgary.

  2. Banerjee P. (October 2023). Co-design as anti-racist methodology. Arizona State University, USA.


  1. Banerjee, P., Sengupta, P., Khandelwal, C., Dutta, S., Sanyal, M., & Lognon, R. (October, 2024). Caring for More Than Human Worlds in Regimes of Forced Migration. City of Calgary and University of Calgary Office of Sustainability.


  1. LANDINGS: ANTI-RACIST FUTURES IN STORIES, December 17, 2023. (Final public installation at University of Calgary). 

    A series of interactive re-imaginations of anti-racist futures through stories co-designed by the YARI—Collective’s newcomer youth of color. Freeing us from prescribed definitions of anti-racism, they offered hope by revealing the complex emotions of pain, loss, solidarity and hope that underlie forced migration and are systemically silenced by the procedurality of immigration. Working with a transdisciplinary team of researchers, the YARI-Collective youth have co-designed cinema, computer simulations of river-crossings and friendships, storywork through community gardens, podcasts about melodies, photographic montages and a mural throughout the Taylor Institute ground floor.

  2. AS THE GARDEN GOES TO SLEEP, September 24—October 11, 2023. (Public exhibition event at Alcove Centre for the Arts, Calgary).

    An exhibition of artwork co-designed by the YARI-Collective youth centered around their experiences of gardening. , titled As The Garden Goes to Sleep, was hosted by the Alcove Centre for the Arts from September 24th to October 11th.

  3. ROOTINGS: REIMAGINING GARDENS LEFT BEHIND, September 3—4, 2023. (Public installation in YARI-Collective garden). 

    Open-day at the garden, titled “Rootings: Reimagining gardens left behind” was on 2nd and 3rd of September, where the newcomer youth showed the visitors what they have planted and cared for over the summer, and re-told the stories they gathered and remembered of their home/lands while gardening.

  4. LANDINGS: ANTI-RACIST FUTURES IN STORIES, March 28, 2023. (Pilot public installation at University of Calgary).  

    A pilot installation held at the Red and White Club at the University of Calgary’s McMahon Stadium. The installation offered imaginations of anti-racist worlds rooted in youths’ stories, histories, and feelings, as evident in their co-created projects, involving making computer simulations, animations, music-making and spoken word performances. The installation was attended by families of the youth, members of the faculty and students at the University of Calgary, IRCC representatives, SPO partners, and members of the public. .



    In this conference, newcomer youth shared their reflections of their co-researched journeys with University of Calgary researchers. The conference brought together community partner service providing organization staff and broader community of Calgary youth. The YARI-Collective youth also shared their creations which make visible hope, loss, pain and solidarity—emotions that underlie forced migration but are silenced in the procedures of migration.


  1. Invited visit to course “RELS 373 — Social Justice and Sikh Ethos” Spring 2024, Instructor: Dr. Durga Kale. University of Calgary, on 4th June 2024.

  2. Invited visit to course “RELS 398 — Religion and Environment” Winter 2024, Instructor: Dr. Durga Kale. University of Calgary, on 13th February 2024.
    Invited youth: Adiman Oulai

  3. Invited visit to course “SOWK 355 — Research in Context” Fall 2023, Instructor: Amanda Weightman, University of Calgary, on 8th November, 2023.
    Invited Youth: Fatima Machado, Walif Faiz

  4. Invited visit to course “SOCI 471 — Special Topics in Immigration and Families” Fall 2023, Instructor: Dr. Pallavi Banerjee. University of Calgary, on 26th October, 2023.
    Invited youth: Sofia Arif, Tanzeela Sitwat, Marwa Naseri, Roya Karimi, Aiah Obid.