Newcomer Youth and Anti-Racism Conference: Hope, Solidarities and Resistance
In this conference, newcomer youth will share their reflections of their co-researched journeys with University of Calgary researchers. They will also share their creations which make visible hope, loss, pain and solidarity—emotions that underlie forced migration but are silenced in the procedures of migration.
Agenda for Day 1: Sharing reflections with community partner service providing organization staff aand broader community of Calgary youth.
Agenda for Day 2: Sharing reflections with invited guests and mini installation.
Participation in the conference is by invitation only.
As The Garden Goes to Sleep: Exhibition of YARI-Collective's Garden Artworks
As The Garden Goes to Sleep is an exhibition of artworks co-designed by the youth and researchers of YARI-Collective and M3Lab, based out of University of Calgary.
Over the past few months, our Collective has worked towards rearing up a garden, evoking embodied memories of the youths of gardening in the soil of their homelands and planting these memories as seeds for the re-imagination of those gardens left behind. The garden cultivated a living representation of the newcomer youths’ stories of migration, creating a place where nostalgia, healing, and community thrived.
Concept Note:
As the seasons change and the garden begins to fade, there is sadness for the comforting and joyful space the garden held for us over the summer. But there is also much hope and anticipation for the arrival of the next growing season. As The Garden Goes to Sleep is a collection of artwork co-designed by the youth and research team of the YARI-Collective that reflects the temporal convergence of the garden, bringing memories to life in the fleeting summer of this land and carrying seeds of hope for future gardens. Each piece is an invitation to reflect on everything a garden can come to mean, and how we keep these gardens alive even through the long months of winter.
For this exhibition, we have partnered with The Alcove Centre for the Arts (, a non-profit organization in Calgary which aims to increase accessibility to the arts and offers a creative collaborative space.
The exhibition is on the window-display and open for viewing around all hours of the day, between 24th September (Sunday) and 8th October (Sunday). No registration is required for the viewing.
Alcove Centre for the Arts premises is open to public as per the following schedule:
Wednesday – Friday: 5 pm – 9 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12:30pm – 8pm
Monday & Tuesday: CLOSED
More details about the hours and schedule is available here:

Rootings: Reimagining Gardens Left Behind
An installation of YARI-Collective's gardening work.
Join us to experience the co-designed work featuring YARI-Collective's gardening project with spatial storytelling and artworks. The installation is centered around newcomer youth's memories, dreams and hopes of land here and beyond to envision an anti-racist future.
Date: 2nd and 3rd September 2023, Saturday and Sunday.
Time: 2:30—6:00pm
The tour of the garden would take you approximately 30 minutes. Please feel free to visit us for 30 mins to an hour between 2:30 and 6pm.
The event is presented by YARI-Collective ( and M3Lab ( and is part of the project funded by IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

Embodied Storytelling: Performance by Dan Hoyle
A performance by actor and writer Dan Hoyle, followed by a conversation with the audience. A YARI-Collective and M3Lab presentation.

Landings: Anti-Racist Futures in Stories
A pilot installation that showcases the co-design work of newcomer youth as they reimagine resettlement via antiracist frameworks.