Funding Acknowledgement

A. This project was funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (Indirect Research SDI Grant, 2021-2024: Reaffirming Social Justice, Equity, Anti-Racist Research: Impact on BIPOC Youth).

Cet projet est financé par Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (bourse de recherche indirecte, 2021-2024: Réaffirmer la justice sociale, l'équité et la recherche antiraciste : impact sur les jeunes du BIPOC)

B. This project is currently funded by Dr. Pallavi Banerjee’s University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair funds.

Principal Investigator: Dr Pallavi Banerjee
Co-Investigator: Dr Pratim Sengupta
Community Partners: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, Calgary's Bridge Foundation for Youth, Centre for Newcomers, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association